Published on January 28, 2025

THECB Perkins V Postsecondary Data Dashboard

This report allows users to explore educational and workforce outcomes for Texas postsecondary students enrolled in Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs.

Many Texas students take at least one CTE course in college, but some take many such courses (earning 12 or more credits). Called “CTE concentrators,” these students are significantly invested in CTE programs. This dashboard showcases data from Texas students who are CTE concentrators.   

Required postsecondary performance indicators for each grant cycle are established by state Perkins staff and the USDE. Performance indicators assess CTE students’ graduation rates, employment after college, and progress toward gender parity in CTE fields. The purpose of the indicators is to assess the effectiveness of the state Perkins program, along with its individual institutions, in achieving statewide progress in CTE and to optimize the return on investment of federal funds in CTE activities. 

The Perkins V Postsecondary dashboard includes these performance indicators with breakouts by student populations that allow users to drill down into CTE student outcomes in Texas. The Perkins V legislation requires the evaluation of student performance on federal accountability measures both taken together and disaggregated by all student groups as defined in Perkins V. 

Click through the tabs to see how the Perkins V Postsecondary dashboard can be used to answer questions about Texas CTE student outcomes.  

Uses of the Dashboard: 

  • Use this dashboard to understand disparities in state goals by student population, including gender, ethnicity, program of study, and special populations.
  • Use this dashboard to explore 3-year changes in performance indicators at the statewide and institutional level.
  • Use this dashboard to compare performance indicators for selected two-year public colleges.
  • Use this dashboard to understand which programs of study lead to fields with a gender gap (either male or female workers represent 25% or less of the workforce).

Uses of the Dashboard (for institutions): 

  • Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment (CLNA): As part of the CLNA, institutions are required to assess their federal core indicator performance compared to state targets at the aggregate level; as well as for each subgroup of students and outline strategies for improvement related to Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education.  
  • Basic Local Application: This data dashboard can also be used to assist colleges in completing their local basic applications annually as it relates to Section 3 Performance Improvement Plans. 

Performance Expectations 

 Each institution is responsible for meeting or exceeding the negotiated performance levels. All projects/programs funded by Perkins must be related to a measurable performance outcome that demonstrates cost effectiveness and is tied directly to one of the following three indicators:  

  • 1P1 – Postsecondary Retention and Post-Program Placement  
  • 2P1 – Earned Recognized Postsecondary Credential  
  • 3P1 – Nontraditional Program Concentration 

Indicator Guidance and Definitions  

The text below provides information relative to how students are counted for the purposes of Perkins, along with the definitions of indicators and accountability measures.  

Postsecondary CTE Participant — A postsecondary/adult student who has earned one or more credits in any CTE program area.  

Postsecondary CTE Concentrator — A postsecondary/adult student who: (1) completes at least 12 academic or CTE credits within a single program area sequence that is comprised of 12 or more academic and technical credits and terminates in the award of an industry recognized credential, a certificate, or a degree; or (2) completes a short-term CTE program sequence of less than 12 credit units that terminates in an industry-recognized credential, a certificate, or a degree.  

  • 1P1 – Postsecondary Retention and Post-Program Placement  
  • 2P1 – Earned Recognized Postsecondary Credential  
  • 3P1 – Nontraditional Program Concentration 

Disaggregated Data Categories  

The categories below are those identified by United States Department of Education:  

  • Gender
  • Race and Ethnicity
  • Special Populations: 
    • individuals with disabilities;
    • individuals from economically disadvantaged families, including low-income youth and adults;
    • individuals preparing for nontraditional fields;
    • single parents, including single pregnant women;
    • out-of-workforce individuals;
    • English learners;
    • homeless individuals described in Section 725 of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 USC, Section 11434a);
    • youth who are in, or have aged out of, the foster care system; and
    • youth with a parent who:
      • is a member of the armed forces (as such term is defined in Section 101 (a)(4) of Title 10, USC); and
      • is on active duty (as such term is defined in Section 101(d)(1) of Title 10, USC).